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+Nu PQH LNu"_ Nu"_ _ Nu o /<ADmf/. N^ _PON FINDMEMORY T&P/ RELEASEMEMORY T&P/ USEMEMORY HBAM2016AUG95 Pro 3.0 EMEMORY &_N^NuINITMONINV &_N^NuDISPOSE NV / / ? /. ' _-H / / ? /. S"S3h &_N^NuSCOREMONNV &_N^NuDEPTHANDNV &_N^NuSIZEANDANV I@UXQ ;hXLS XCEL S,v&% alisA alisA FPTH@ FaliA RPTH@ FPTHA alisA alisA alisA alisA HBAM3016AUG95@ sam001 bar001 Pro 3.0F! Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday January February March April August September October November December 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter :05:06 pm 05:06 pm 05:06 pm 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter d]dQ`Y`W 6/4/9998 Helvetica Geneva ADDITIONAL INFO CLIENT NUMBER CONSTANT CREATION DATE F75_6 FOR F32 N FOR W28_4 LAST MODIFIED PRINTING SIGNAL G SERIAL NUMBER TR 7_1 TR 7_10 TR 7_11 TR 7_12 TR 7_13 TR 7_14 TR 7_15 TR 7_16 TR 7_17 TR 7_18 TR 7_19 TR 7_2 TR 7_3 TR 7_4 TR 7_5 TR 7_6 TR 7_7 TR 7_8 TR 7_9 Tr 7_10B Tr 7_11B Tr 7_12B Trusts to ClientsD C_Index reverse Trusts to Clients ts to Clients FMRLA FMRLA Tr 7_19B Tr 7_19B Tr 7_1B Tr 7_2B Tr 7_3B Tr 7_4B Tr 7_5B Tr 7_6B Tr 7_7B Tr 7_8B Tr 7_10B Tr 7_11B Tr 7_12B Tr 7_13B Tr 7_15B Tr 7_16B Tr 7_17B Tr 7_18B Tr 7_9B Additional InfoB Tr 7_1 subB Tr 7_2 subB Tr 7_4 subB Tr 7_5 subB Tr 7_7 subB Tr 7_8 subB Tr 7_10 subB Tr 7_11 subB Tr 7_14B Tr 7_15B Tr 7_16B Tr 7_17B Tr 7_18B Tr 7_9B Additional InfoB Tr 7_1 subB Tr 7_2 subB Tr 7_4 subB Tr 7_5 subB Tr 7_7 subB Tr 7_8 subB Tr 7_10 subB Tr 7_11 subB Tr 7_17B Tr 7_18B Tr 7_9B Additional InfoB KA for W28_4B Client NumberB F75_6B for F32B Serial numberB Creation dateB Last modifiedB ConstantB Page T1 Page T2 Front Page Printing Sheet Printout Page T2 Front Page Printing Sheet Printout rt 1B Macintosh HD Clients.FP3 FMP3FMP3 Correspondence 3Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:Correspondence:Clients.FP3 David's Mac Macintosh HD David Macintosh HD 0RPTH FPTHA0Zip 100:Tax Manager:Individual Return:TMHelp.FP3 FaliA Zip 100 TMHelp.FP3 3x!FMP3FMP3 Individual Return 0Zip 100:Tax Manager:Individual Return:TMHelp.FP3 .SC/IOMEGA MSPCA NAMEA TMHelp.FP3 RPTHA TMHelp.FP3 alisA Macintosh HD Personal FMP3UFSR Family Tax Files 4Macintosh HD:Family Tax 99:Family Tax Files:Personal MSPCA NAMEA Clients_.USR -RPTH FPTHA-Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):TMHelp_.USR MSPCA NAMEA TMHelp_.USR RPTHA TMHelp_.USR Macintosh HD TMHelp_.USR 3x!FMP3UFSR Tax Manager 97 (SDK) -Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):TMHelp_.USR David's Mac Macintosh HD David Macintosh HD 97 (SDK) -Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):TMHelp_.USR David's Mac Macintosh HD David Macintosh HD alisA Zip 100 TMHelp.FP3 3x!FMP3FMP3 Individual Return 0Zip 100:Tax Manager:Individual Return:TMHelp.FP3 .SC/IOMEGA /RPTH Fali Zip 100 Index.FP3 J@6FMP3FMP3 Individual Return /Zip 100:Tax Manager:Individual Return:Index.FP3 .SC/IOMEGA MSPCA NAMEA Index.FP3 RPTHA Index.FP3 alisA Zip 100 Index.FP3 J@6FMP3FMP3 Individual Return /Zip 100:Tax Manager:Individual Return:Index.FP3 .SC/IOMEGA Helvetica Geneva Arial Times New Roman 3RPTH FPTHA3Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:Correspondence:Clients.FP3 MSPCA NAMEA Clients.FP3 RPTHA ::Correspondence:Clients.FP3 Factory:Clients.FP3 sam001 25/2/99 23/5/99 23/5/99 8:51:06 pm 10/3/98 Goto Help Goto Index Goto Front Page Print All Goto Printing Sheet A Goto Help Page T1B A Layout #3B A$L1 (Substitute) (Group Accounts Ltd)C W+Income from the estates of deceased persons basic rate or the rate applicable to trusts the lower rate Income bearing basic rate tax lower rate tax non-repayable lower rate tax non-repayable basic rate tax Expenses (furnished holiday lettings only) Income taxed at Income taxed at Income taxed at Income taxed at Private use Balancing charges Page T2B Total foreign tax for which tax credit relief not claimed Income receivable Tax paid Taxable amount Income receivable Tax paid Taxable amount A#T1 (Substitute) (<< AFAAABAEABCP>>)C If you have answered to Question 7, fill in pages T1 and T2. If you want help, look up the box numbers in the Notes on Trusts at the back of your Tax Return Guide. They are colour-coded to match the formI"Income from trusts and settlementsK TRUSTS etcL NameM Tax referenceN#<< AFAAABADABAB>> << AFAAABADABAC>>O AFAAABADABCP>>P Client NumberR&Income for the year ended 5 April 1999 Inland Revenue 5.17q 5.17q 5.17q 5.18s ;AhAre you claiming Rent a Room relief for gross rents of 3,250 or less? 1625 if the claim is shared) relief for gross rents of 3,250 or less? 1625 if the claim is shared) Front PageB FPTHA/Zip 100:Tax Manager:Individual Return:Index.FP3 FaliA Zip 100 Index.FP3 J@6FMP3FMP3 Individual Return /Zip 100:Tax Manager:Individual Return:Index.FP3 .SC/IOMEGA MSPCA NAMEA Index.FP3 RPTHA Index.FP3 alisA Zip 100 Index.FP3 J@6FMP3FMP3 Individual Return /Zip 100:Tax Manager:Individual Return:Index.FP3 .SC/IOMEGA 8RPTH FPTHA8Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 99 Programming:TM Files:Clients MSPCA NAMEA Clients RPTHA Clients Page T2 Additional information T1 (Substitute) (David Ross)C 7.1I"Income from trusts and settlementstion 7, fill in page T1. If you want help, look up the box numbers in the notes on trusts at the back of your Tax Return Guide. They are colour-coded to match the formI"Income from trusts and settlementsK TRUSTS etcL NameM Tax referenceN#<< AFAAABADABAB>> << AFAAABADABAC>>O AFAAABADABCP>>P Client NumberR&Income for the year ended 5 April 1997 Inland Revenue Goto Index Goto Front Page A Print All Goto Printing Sheet Startup Script 78456 i"THIS IS DEMONSTRATION SOFTWARE WHICH HAS NOT BEEN PAID FOR. VITAL REPORTS AND CALCULATIONS ARE DISABLED" gTHIS IS DEMONSTRATION SOFTWARE WHICH HAS NOT BEEN PAID FOR. VITAL REPORTS AND CALCULATIONS ARE DISABLEDC E DISABLED" gTHIS IS DEMONSTRATION SOFTWARE WHICH HAS NOT BEEN PAID FOR. VITAL REPORTS AND CALCULATIONS ARE DISABLEDC "Hello" HelloF FindK IndexL QuitM CloseN Notes re income from foreign properties. First you need to decide if the taxpayer belongs to the rare group of people who will be taxed on a remittance basis (basically foreign nationals should read the notes on Page F8 of the Notes on Foreign). They may need to follow special rules in completing columns A to E. Other taxpayers need to consider whether the special transitional basis applies (again read pafe F8) and if so a separage page F4 needs to be completed for each affected properB ty for 1995/6 and 1996/7, and the transitional basis notes need tp be completed. Next year the transitional basis will be ended and as with certain other matters, the tax system will become that much simpler (the idea of the whole thing!) A Back PageB DeleteR Welcome to the Trusts pagesTAfound by reference number (only type in modes !!) A>The current record is for AFAAABADABAB>> << AFAAABADABAC>> PrintoutB Printing SheetB IndexC QuitD CloseE HelpF PrintH,Enter Client Number (only in mode Please don t forget to specify the number of copies you want to print, and whether you want a blank copy as a working sheet or to show the data as a final copy A[The current record is for <<Foreign to Clients::Initials>> <<Foreign to Clients::Surname>> FindL IndexM QuitN CloseO HelpP PrintR,Enter Client Number (only in mode Please don t forget to specify the number of copies you want to print, and whether you want a blank copy as a working sheet or to show the data as a final copy A>The current record is for AFAAABADABAB>> << AFAAABADABAC>> FPTHA-Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):TMHelp_.USR MSPCA NAMEA TMHelp_.USR RPTHA TMHelp_.USR Macintosh HD TMHelp_.USR 3x!FMP3UFSR Tax Manager 97 (SDK) -Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):TMHelp_.USR David's Mac Macintosh HD David Macintosh HD +RPTH alis FPTHA+Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):Index.USR MSPCA NAMEA Index.USR RPTHA Index.USR -RPTH Macintosh HD C Index.USR J@6FMP3UFSR Tax Manager 97 (SDK) +Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):Index.USR David's Mac Macintosh HD David Macintosh HD +RPTH alis FPTHA+Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):Index.USR MSPCA NAMEA Index.USR RPTHA Index.USR Macintosh HD C Index.USR J@6FMP3UFSR Tax Manager 97 (SDK) +Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):Index.USR David's Mac Macintosh HD David Macintosh HD 5RPTH FPTHA5Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 98 (SDK):TM Files:SA107_.USR MSPCA NAMEA SA107_.USR RPTHA SA107_.USR Goto Printing Sheet A Goto Help Pro 3.0F! Pro 3.0 - 4.0M1 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday January February March April August September October November December 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter D#T1 (Substitute) (<< AFAAABAEABCP>>) If you have answered to Question 7, fill in pages T1 and T2. If you want help, look up the box numbers in the Notes on Trusts at the back of your Tax Return Guide. They are colour-coded to match the form H"Income from trusts and settlements TRUSTS etc Tax reference AFAAABADABAB>> << AFAAABADABAC>> AFAAABADABCP>> Client Number P&Income for the year ended 5 April 1999 Inland Revenue Expenses (furnished holiday lettings only) Income taxed at T+Income from the estates of deceased persons basic rate or the rate applicable to trusts the lower rate Income bearing basic rate tax lower rate tax non-repayable lower rate tax non-repayable basic rate tax Total foreign tax for which tax credit relief not claimed Income receivable Tax paid Taxable amount Income receivable Tax paid Taxable amount Page T2 Additional information DateB TimeB Printing Signal GB Tr 7_17 CopyB Printing Signal GB Printing Signal GB Signal GB Printing Signal GB ng Signal GB 3RPTH FPTHA3Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:Correspondence:Clients.FP3 MSPCA NAMEA Clients.FP3 RPTHA ::Correspondence:Clients.FP3 Goto Help Goto Index Goto Front Page Print All Goto Printing Sheet Startup Script Password A Goto Help Goto Help Goto Index Goto Front Page Print All Goto Printing Sheet Startup Script Password A Goto Help ARPTH FPTHAAMacintosh HD:Tax Manager 99 Programming:TM Files:Tax Manager Help alisA alisA FPTH@ FPTHA alisA alisA alisA alisA alisA alisA FPTH@ FaliA RPTH@ FPTHA alisA alisA alisA alisA Macintosh HD SA107_.USR "FMP3UFSR TM Files 5Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 98 (SDK):TM Files:SA107_.USR David s Computer Macintosh HD David Ross Macintosh HD -RPTH FPTHA-Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 99 Programming:Index MSPCA NAMEA Index RPTHA ::Index alisA Macintosh HD Index J@6FMP3UFSR Tax Manager 99 Programming -Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 99 Programming:Index FPTHAAMacintosh HD:Tax Manager 99 Programming:TM Files:Tax Manager Help MSPCA NAMEA Tax Manager Help RPTHA Tax Manager Help alisA Macintosh HD Tax Manager Help 3x!FMP3UFSR TM Files AMacintosh HD:Tax Manager 99 Programming:TM Files:Tax Manager Help .RPTH alis FPTHA.Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 99:TM Files:Help file MSPCA NAMEA Help file RPTHA Help file alisA Macintosh HD Help file 3x!FMP3UFSR TM Files .Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 99:TM Files:Help file FPTHA4Macintosh HD:Family Tax 99:Family Tax Files:Personal MSPCA NAMEA Personal RPTHA Personal Password 4RPTH MSPC FPTHA4Macintosh HD:Family Tax 99:Family Tax Files:Personal MSPCA NAMEA Personal RPTHA Personal